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Snow White and the Huntsman

Well. Well, well, welly well well. When the trailer for this hit the internet a few days ago I must admit, I was completely shocked. Before I start squeeing and gushing over Charlize Theron as the Evil Queen, here's a look at the trailer:

     Mmmmkay. Right off the bat, the fact that we have armies rushing into battle and knights smashing eachother into smithereens, well, this is a huge bonus for me. Now, my teenager may be turning up her nose and scoffing "yeah, but where are the DWARVES Mom, I mean, c'mon!", but she knows, and I know, that this movie is going to suck her in like sparkly vampires sucked in multiple generations of females, and make her totally forget about the lack of the seven dwarves in this trailer.
     So, the armies look like great fun; can't wait to see a bunch of glorified battlefield carnage. As it looks like KStew's Snow White may be flouncing (oh, sorry, marching) into battle as well, I think it will add a different dimension to the fairy tale most of us are familiar with.
     What I really want to start flapping my yap about is Charlize Theron.
Charlize. Freaking. Amazing. Awesome. Fantabulous. Theron.

      How great is she?!?!?! We all know she has the capacity to portray evil and is, in my opinion, up to just about any acting challenge out there. That said, I didn't expect to watch this trailer and immediately throw my allegiance to the Big Bad. I WANT her to convince someone to cut out Snow White's heart so she can chow down and live forever. Nothing against Snow White, but the Queen looks waaaaay more interesting. I get the impression from her opening words in the trailer that at one point she was a little less evil and a lot more conflicted, and I'm totally intrigued by the possibilities.
     Something to address is the fact that a lot of people are bitching and moaning about the whole 'Snow White is fairer' bullshit, seeing as KStew is, admittedly, no match for Theron in the beauty department. Really people, let's not sink to the level of talking trash about a young girl's looks. The mirror clearly states that Snow White's beauty will eventually surpass that of the Queen. Part of the joy of movies is the suspension of reality; surely we can all imagine it is possible that someday Snow White (as portrayed by KStew) will be more lovely than the Queen?
     I mean, it's not as if the girl is ugly:

      I mean, she's got the lips red as blood, hair black as coal, skin white as snow thing down PAT. Give the kid a chance; I was one of the people who bought her performance as Joan Jett, after throwing a pretty embarrassing temper tantrum over her being cast in The Runaways. I can give her the benefit of the doubt if it means getting to watch this movie, which I suspect is going to be exceptionally pretty.
     Pretty like...... THIS GUY OMG: 
      Supposedly there's a Prince in the movie somewhere; can't really claim to care. For me, the Huntsman will be delightful eye candy. This right here, this would be Chris Hemsworth, most recently known as Thor. Haven't caught that one yet; I should really get around to that soon. Anyway, my daughter can have the pretty boy Prince (and yeah, is admittedly IS very pretty) so long as I get to enjoy watching this guy kick major ass.
     For my daughter (and my teenaged self of years gone by, who would've swooned over this guy for surely), here is Snow White's Prince:
     Fairly broody; it will be interesting to see what sort of Prince he ends up being. I kinda want Snow White to get it on with the rugged guy who is going to train her in the art of war instead of cutting her heart out for our Queen to feast upon. Maybe the Prince will end up being a rotter and I'll get my wish. Fingers crossed!
     In closing, I think what has me most excited about this movie is the early promise evidenced by how amazing this trailer is. They are still fairly early in production for SWatH; to put out something this polished and exciting so quickly tells me that they aren't going to half-ass it in the least. Can't wait to see it next summer! I do believe I'll actually get a babysitter for my youngest and take the older two to the actual theatre to enjoy it!

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